Meran & Dusty's Vow Renewal


For the reception we have chosen
a beautiful meadow at Fort Buenaventura.

  We plan on hiring local performers known as "Cranachan".
They play Irish folk music on the hammered dulcimer and the lute.
We're totally in love with the hammered dulcimer's sound
and have to have it during the reception.

The tables will have garnet tablecloths.
It will be BYOD- Bring Your Own Dishes,
since pewter is so expensive
and most of our friends already have feast-wares.
The napkins will be burgundy and held down with smooth river rocks.
 A small sprig of wheat will be tucked under each rock.

The head table will be a long rectangle,
with the guests’ tables also being rectangular.
The head table will also have two elaborate arrangements
on candelabras and petals strewn on the table.

The bride and groom's chairs will be larger than the rest
 and have garlands tied to the backs.
The guests' tables will have low centerpieces.
The guest book and buffet tables will have smaller versions
of the guest table centerpieces.
The cake table and punch table will have garlands and petals.

Above the head table we will hang our family crest tapestry.
Around the meadow there will be color banners hung from the walls.

Surrounding each centerpiece on the tables there will be
a dozen votive candles to be lit just before everyone arrives.
Light- must have light!!
Torches and candles everywhere!
Make it warm. Warm is good,
especially when it could be less than 50* outside!!


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